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If you are absolutely convinced that all Notaries are the same, you can ask for an aseptic estimate. It is necessary to indicate: cadastral income, real sale price, amount of the loan (if any) and the relative amount of the mortgage registration, if the seller is a private individual or a company subject to transfer VAT, if the buyer asks or not the first home and has a tax credit or not. Fill out the form below and a member of our staff will contact you as soon as possible.

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If, on the other hand, you believe that the Notary should be the trusted professional with whom to evaluate the best possible solutions, legal and tax, to insure and protect your assets (often you don't notice but your home represents for most Italians the " strong piece "of its assets); if you consider it appropriate, before starting a purchase or a business activity, to deal with a complete, trained and highly reliable professional, appointed by the State to give certainty, then you can call the firm to make a personal appointment with the Notary (0321.612802 on Novara and 0163.24531 on Borgosesia). We will find the best solution together.

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